.. _endpoint-GET-images-builtin-backgrounds: =============================== GET /images/builtin-backgrounds =============================== This API returns a list of images that constitute the set of built-in background images suggested to users. Request Structure ================= The request takes no content. Response Structure ================== The structure of the response is: .. code-block:: javascript { "error": $bool // Whether an error occurred "results": [ // List of image display objects: { "_id": $string(objectID), // the ID of this image in the database "handle_id": $string(objectID), // the ID of this image's owner "creation_date": $string(iso8601), // the date this image record was created "note": $string, // freeform text associated with the image "storage": { "legacy_url_template": $string // This image's legacy URL } } ] } See :ref:`endpoint-post-handle-_handle-image` for definitions of the contents of the inner fields.