Source code for wwt_api_client.communities

# Copyright 2019-2020 the .NET Foundation
# Distributed under the MIT license

"""Interacting with the WWT Communities APIs."""

import json
import os.path
import requests
import sys
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse

from . import APIRequest, Client, enums

__all__ = """

LIVE_AUTH_SCOPES = ["wl.emails", "wl.signin"]
WWT_CLIENT_ID = "000000004015657B"
OAUTH_STATE_BASENAME = "communities-oauth.json"
CLIENT_SECRET_BASENAME = "communities-client-secret.txt"

[docs] class CommunitiesClient(object): """A client for WWT Communities API requests. Instantiating such a client will make at least one web request, to refresh the Microsoft Live OAuth login token. In addition, an interactive user login may be necessary. This must be explicitly allowed by the caller to prevent random programs from hanging waiting for user input. If interactive login is successful, the authentication data from such a login are saved in the current user's state directory (~/.local/state/wwt_api_client/ on Linux machines) for subsequent use. """ _parent = None _state_dir = None _state = None _access_token = None _refresh_token = None def __init__( self, parent_client, oauth_client_secret=None, interactive_login_if_needed=False, state_dir=None, ): self._parent = parent_client if state_dir is None: import appdirs state_dir = appdirs.user_state_dir("wwt_api_client", "AAS_WWT") self._state_dir = state_dir # Do we have the client secret? This is saved to disk upon the first # login, but it can also be passed in. if oauth_client_secret is None: try: with open( os.path.join(self._state_dir, CLIENT_SECRET_BASENAME), "rt" ) as f: oauth_client_secret = f.readline().strip() except FileNotFoundError: pass if oauth_client_secret is None: raise Exception( 'cannot create CommunitiesClient: the "oauth client secret" ' "is not available to the program" ) # Try to get state from a previous OAuth flow and decide what to do # based on where we're at. try: with open(os.path.join(self._state_dir, OAUTH_STATE_BASENAME), "rt") as f: self._state = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: pass # For the record, `` and # `` are valid # redirect_uri's. token_service_params = { "client_id": WWT_CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": oauth_client_secret, "redirect_uri": LIVE_OAUTH_DESKTOP_ENDPOINT, } # Once set, the structure of oauth_data is : { # 'token_type': 'bearer', # 'expires_in': <seconds>, # 'scope': <scopes>, # 'access_token': <long hex>, # 'refresh_token': <long hex>, # 'authentication_token': <long hex>, # 'user_id': <...> # } oauth_data = None if self._state is not None: # We have previous state -- hopefully, we only need a refresh, which # can proceed non-interactively. token_service_params["grant_type"] = "refresh_token" token_service_params["refresh_token"] = self._state["refresh_token"] oauth_data = LIVE_OAUTH_TOKEN_SERVICE, data=token_service_params, ).json() if "error" in oauth_data: if oauth_data["error"] == "invalid_grant": # This indicates that our grant has expired. We need to # rerun the auth flow. self._state = None else: # Some other kind of error. Bail. raise Exception(repr(oauth_data)) if self._state is None: # We need to do the interactive authentication flow. This has to # be explicitly allowed by the caller because we don't want random # programs pausing for user input on the terminal. if not interactive_login_if_needed: raise Exception( "cannot create CommunitiesClient: an interactive login is " "required but unavailable right now" ) params = { "client_id": WWT_CLIENT_ID, "scope": " ".join(LIVE_AUTH_SCOPES), "redirect_uri": LIVE_OAUTH_DESKTOP_ENDPOINT, "response_type": "code", } preq = requests.Request( url=LIVE_OAUTH_AUTH_SERVICE, params=params ).prepare() print() print( "To use the WWT Communities APIs, interactive authentication to Microsoft" ) print("Live is required. Open this URL in a browser and log in:") print() print(preq.url) print() print( "When done, copy the URL *that you are redirected to* and paste it here:" ) print(">> ", end="") redir_url = input() # should look like: # '' parsed = urlparse(redir_url) params = parse_qs(parsed.query) code = params.get("code") if not code: raise Exception('didn\'t get "code" parameter from response URL') token_service_params["grant_type"] = "authorization_code" token_service_params["code"] = code oauth_data = LIVE_OAUTH_TOKEN_SERVICE, data=token_service_params, ).json() if "error" in oauth_data: raise Exception(repr(oauth_data)) # Looks like it worked! Save the results for next time. os.makedirs(self._state_dir, exist_ok=True) # Sigh, Python not making it easy to be secure ... fd = os.path.join(self._state_dir, OAUTH_STATE_BASENAME), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o600, ) f = open(fd, "wt") with f: json.dump(oauth_data, f) fd = os.path.join(self._state_dir, CLIENT_SECRET_BASENAME), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o600, ) f = open(fd, "wt") with f: print(oauth_client_secret, file=f) # And for this time: self._access_token = oauth_data["access_token"] self._refresh_token = oauth_data["refresh_token"]
[docs] def create_community(self, payload=None): """Create a new community owned by the current user. Parameters ---------- See the definition of the :class:`CreateCommunityRequest` class. Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`CreateCommunityRequest` object The request. """ req = CreateCommunityRequest(self) req.payload = payload return req
[docs] def delete_community(self, id=None): """Delete a community. Parameters ---------- See the definition of the :class:`DeleteCommunityRequest` class. Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`DeleteCommunityRequest` object The request. """ req = DeleteCommunityRequest(self) = id return req
[docs] def get_community_info(self, id=None): """Get information about the specified community. Parameters ---------- See the definition of the :class:`GetCommunityInfoRequest` class. Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`GetCommunityInfoRequest` object The request. """ req = GetCommunityInfoRequest(self) = id return req
[docs] def get_latest_community(self): """Get information about the most recently created WWT Communities. .. testsetup:: [*] >>> comm_client = getfixture('communities_client_cached') Examples -------- There are no arguments:: >>> req = comm_client.get_latest_community() >>> folder = req.send() # returns wwt_data_formats.folder.Folder Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`GetLatestCommunityRequest` object The request. """ return GetLatestCommunityRequest(self)
[docs] def get_my_profile(self): """Get the logged-in user's profile information. .. testsetup:: [*] >>> comm_client = getfixture('communities_client_cached') Examples -------- There are no arguments:: >>> req = comm_client.get_my_profile() >>> json = req.send() # returns JSON data structure >>> print(json['ProfileId']) 123456 Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`GetMyProfileRequest` object The request. """ return GetMyProfileRequest(self)
[docs] def get_profile_entities( self, entity_type=enums.EntityType.CONTENT, current_page=1, page_size=99999, ): """Get "entities" associated with the logged-in user's profile. .. testsetup:: [*] >>> comm_client = getfixture('communities_client_cached') Parameters ---------- See the definition of the :class:`GetProfileEntitiesRequest` class. Examples -------- >>> from wwt_api_client.enums import EntityType >>> req = comm_client.get_profile_entities( ... entity_type = EntityType.CONTENT, ... current_page = 1, # one-based ... page_size = 99999, ... ) >>> json = req.send() # returns json >>> print(json['entities'][0]['Id']) 82077 Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`GetProfileEntitiesRequest` object The request. """ req = GetProfileEntitiesRequest(self) req.entity_type = entity_type req.current_page = current_page req.page_size = page_size return req
[docs] def is_user_registered(self): """Query whether the logged-in Microsoft Live user is registered with the WWT Communities system. .. testsetup:: [*] >>> comm_client = getfixture('communities_client_cached') Examples -------- There are no arguments:: >>> req = comm_client.is_user_registered() >>> print(req.send()) True Returns ------- request : an initialized :class:`IsUserRegisteredRequest` object The request. """ return IsUserRegisteredRequest(self)
[docs] class CommunitiesAPIRequest(APIRequest): """A base class for WWT Communities API requests. These require that the user be logged in to a Microsoft Live account. """ _comm_client = None def __init__(self, communities_client): super(CommunitiesAPIRequest, self).__init__(communities_client._parent) self._comm_client = communities_client
[docs] class CreateCommunityRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Create a new community. The response gives the ID of the new community. """ payload = None """The request payload is JSON resembling:: { "communityJson": { "CategoryID": 20, "ParentID": "610131", "AccessTypeID": 2, "IsOffensive":false, "IsLink": false, "CommunityType": "Community", "Name": "Community name", "Description": "Community description", "Tags": "tag1,tag2" } } (It doesn't feel worthwhile to implement this payload as a fully-fledged data structure at the moment.) """
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): if self.payload is None: return '"payload" must be a JSON dictionary' return None
[docs] def make_request(self): return requests.Request( method="POST", url=self._client._api_base + "/Community/Create/New", json=self.payload, cookies={ "access_token": self._comm_client._access_token, "refresh_token": self._comm_client._refresh_token, }, )
def _process_response(self, resp): s = json.loads(resp.text) return s["ID"]
[docs] class DeleteCommunityRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Delete a community. Returns True if the community was successfully deleted, False otherwise. """ id = None "The ID number of the community to delete"
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): if not isinstance(, int): return '"id" must be an integer' return None
[docs] def make_request(self): # The API includes a {parentId} after the community ID, but it is # unused. return requests.Request( method="POST", url=f"{self._client._api_base}/Community/Delete/{}/0", cookies={ "access_token": self._comm_client._access_token, "refresh_token": self._comm_client._refresh_token, }, )
def _process_response(self, resp): t = resp.text if t == "True": return True elif t == "False": return False raise Exception(f"unexpected response from IsUserRegistered API: {t!r}")
# TODO: we're not implementing the "isEdit" mode where you can update # community info.
[docs] class GetCommunityInfoRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Get information about the specified community. The response is JSON, looking like:: { "community": { "MemberCount": 0, "ViewCount": 6, "ShareUrl": null, "Description": "Testing community", "LastUpdated": "44 minutes ago", "ActionUrl": null, "IsOffensive": false, "Id": 610180, "Name": "PKGW Test", "Category": 20, "ParentId": 610131, "ParentName": "None", "ParentType": 3, "Tags": "testtag", "Rating": 0, "RatedPeople": 0, "ThumbnailID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Entity": 1, "FileName": null, "ContentAzureID": null, "UserPermission": 63, "AccessType": 2, "Producer": "Peter Williams ", "ProducerId": 609582, "ContentType": 0, "DistributedBy": null }, "permission": { "Result": { "CurrentUserPermission": 63, "PermissionItemList": [ { "Comment": null, "Date": "/Date(1585273889157)/", "Requested": "44 minutes ago", "CommunityId": 610180, "CommunityName": "PKGW Test", "CurrentUserRole": 5, "IsInherited": true, "CanShowEditLink": false, "CanShowDeleteLink": false, "Id": 609582, "Name": "Peter Williams ", "Role": 5 } ], "PaginationDetails": { "ItemsPerPage": 8, "CurrentPage": 0, "TotalPages": 1, "TotalCount": 1 }, "SelectedPermissionsTab": 1 }, "Id": 4, "Exception": null, "Status": 5, "IsCanceled": false, "IsCompleted": true, "CreationOptions": 0, "AsyncState": null, "IsFaulted": false } } """ id = None "The ID number of the community to probe"
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): if not isinstance(, int): return '"id" must be an integer' return None
[docs] def make_request(self): return requests.Request( method="GET", url=f"{self._client._api_base}/Community/Detail/{}", cookies={ "access_token": self._comm_client._access_token, "refresh_token": self._comm_client._refresh_token, }, headers={"LiveUserToken": self._comm_client._access_token}, )
def _process_response(self, resp): return json.loads(resp.text)
[docs] class GetLatestCommunityRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Get information about the most recently created WWT Communities. The information is returned as a ``wwt_data_formats.folder.Folder`` with sub-Folders corresponding to the communities. """
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): return None
[docs] def make_request(self): return requests.Request( method="GET", url=self._client._api_base + "/Resource/Service/Browse/LatestCommunity", headers={"LiveUserToken": self._comm_client._access_token}, )
def _process_response(self, resp): from wwt_data_formats.folder import Folder from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree xml = etree.fromstring(resp.text) return Folder.from_xml(xml)
[docs] class GetMyProfileRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Get the currently logged-in user's profile information. The response is JSON, looking like:: { 'ProfileId': 123456, 'ProfileName': 'Firstname Lastname', 'AboutProfile': '', 'Affiliation': 'Affil Text', 'ProfilePhotoLink': '~/Content/Images/profile.png', 'TotalStorage': '5.00 GB', 'UsedStorage': '0.00 B', 'AvailableStorage': '5.00 GB', 'PercentageUsedStorage': '0%', 'IsCurrentUser': True, 'IsSubscribed': False } """
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): return None
[docs] def make_request(self): return requests.Request( method="GET", url=self._client._api_base + "/Profile/MyProfile/Get", headers={ "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", }, cookies={ "access_token": self._comm_client._access_token, "refresh_token": self._comm_client._refresh_token, }, )
def _process_response(self, resp): return json.loads(resp.text)
[docs] class GetProfileEntitiesRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Get "entities" associated with the logged-in user. Entities include communities, folders, and content files. The response is JSON. """ entity_type = enums.EntityType.CONTENT "What kind of entity to query. Only COMMUNITY and CONTENT are allowed." current_page = 1 "What page of search results to return -- starting at 1." page_size = 99999 "How many items to return per page of search results."
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): if not isinstance(self.entity_type, enums.EntityType): return '"entity_type" must be a wwt_api_client.enums.EntityType' if not isinstance(self.current_page, int): return '"current_page" must be an int' if not isinstance(self.page_size, int): return '"current_page" must be an int' return None
[docs] def make_request(self): return requests.Request( method="GET", url=f"{self._client._api_base}/Profile/Entities/{self.entity_type.value}/{self.current_page}/{self.page_size}", cookies={ "access_token": self._comm_client._access_token, "refresh_token": self._comm_client._refresh_token, }, )
def _process_response(self, resp): return json.loads(resp.text)
[docs] class IsUserRegisteredRequest(CommunitiesAPIRequest): """Asks whether the logged-in Microsoft Live user is registered with the WWT Communities system. """
[docs] def invalidity_reason(self): return None
[docs] def make_request(self): return requests.Request( method="GET", url=self._client._api_base + "/Resource/Service/User", headers={"LiveUserToken": self._comm_client._access_token}, )
def _process_response(self, resp): t = resp.text if t == "True": return True elif t == "False": return False raise Exception(f"unexpected response from IsUserRegistered API: {t!r}")
# Command-line utility for initializing the OAuth state.
[docs] def interactive_communities_login(args): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--secret-file", metavar="PATH", help="Path to a file from which to read the WWT client secret", ) parser.add_argument( "--secret-env", metavar="ENV-VAR-NAME", help="Name of an environment variable containing the WWT client secret", ) settings = parser.parse_args(args) # Make sure we actually have a secret to work with. if settings.secret_file is not None: with open(settings.secret_file) as f: client_secret = f.readline().strip() elif settings.secret_env is not None: client_secret = os.environ.get(settings.secret_env) else: print( 'error: the WWT "client secret" must be provided; ' "use --secret-file or --secret-env", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) if not client_secret: print('error: the WWT "client secret" is empty or unset', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Ready to go ... CommunitiesClient( Client(), oauth_client_secret=client_secret, interactive_login_if_needed=True, ) print("OAuth flow successfully completed.")
if __name__ == "__main__": interactive_communities_login(sys.argv[1:])