GET /handle/:handle/stats¶
This API returns some statistics about the specified handle.
Request Structure¶
The request takes no content. The :handle
URL parameter gives the handle to
Response Structure¶
The response is as follows:
"error": $bool // Whether an error occurred
"handle": $string, // the handle that was queried
"images": {
"count": $int, // the number of images owned by this handle
"scenes": {
"count": $int, // the number of scenes owned by this handle
"impressions": $int, // the total number of impressions received by this handle's scenes
"likes": $int, // the total number of likes received by this handle's scenes
"clicks": $int?, // the total number of outgoing-URL user clicks for this handle's scenes
"shares": $int?, // the total number of link-share clicks for this handle's scenes