GET /handle/:handle/stats

This API returns some statistics about the specified handle.


The request must be made by an account that has administrative permissions on the specified handle.

Request Structure

The request takes no content. The :handle URL parameter gives the handle to query.

Response Structure

The response is as follows:

  "error": $bool // Whether an error occurred
  "handle": $string, // the handle that was queried
  "images": {
    "count": $int, // the number of images owned by this handle
  "scenes": {
    "count": $int, // the number of scenes owned by this handle
    "impressions": $int, // the total number of impressions received by this handle's scenes
    "likes": $int, // the total number of likes received by this handle's scenes
    "clicks": $int?, // the total number of outgoing-URL user clicks for this handle's scenes
    "shares": $int?, // the total number of link-share clicks for this handle's scenes