POST /handle/:handle/scene

This API creates a new Constellations “scene” owned by the specified handle.


The request must be made by an account that has permissions to add new scenes to the associated handle.

Request Structure

The URL parameter :handle is the handle that will own the scene.

The structure of the request is:

  "place": {
    "ra_rad": $number, // The RA of the final camera position for this scene, in radians
    "dec_rad": $number, // The dec. of the final camera position for this scene, in radians
    "roll_rad": $number, // The roll of the final camera position, in radians
    "roi_height_deg": $number, // The height of the region of interest, in degrees
    "roi_aspect_ratio": $number, // The aspect ratio (width / height) of the region of interest
  "content": {
    "image_layers": [
      // An optional list of image layers that comprise this scene.
      // Right now this field is not optional because it is the only supported scene
      // type, but that might change.
        "image_id": $string(objectID), // the database ID of the image in question
        "opacity": $number, // the opacity of the final image display, between 0 and 1
  "outgoing_url": $string?, // A "see more" URL associated with this scene
  "text": $string, // Freeform text describing the scene
  "published": $bool?, // Whether this scene should be published upon creation
  "astropix": {
    // Optional dict associating this scene with an AstroPix image. Only user accounts
    // with the "manage-astropix" role may set or modify this information.
    "publisher_id": $string,
    "image_id": $string,

Response Structure

The structure of the response is:

  "error": $bool // Whether an error occurred
  "id": $string(objectID), // the ID of the newly-created scene
  "rel_url": $string, // the API-relative URL used to access this scene; `/scene/:id`