
This API fetches an image from a URL, tiles it on the server side, and returns a WTML collection XML document that describes the resulting dataset and allow it to be displayed in a client.

The WTML document returned by this API has the following structure, where the items enclosed in curly braces have textual substitutions applied except for the {1},{2},{3} in the ImageSet URL:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Folder Name="{name}" Group="Explorer">
  <Place Name="{name}" RA="{ra_hr}" Dec="{dec}" ZoomLevel="{zoom}"
         DataSetType="Sky" Opacity="100" Thumbnail="{thumb_url}"
      <ImageSet DataSetType="Sky" Name="{name}" BandPass="Visible"
                TileLevels="{levels}" WidthFactor="1" Rotation="{rot}"
                Projection="Tan" FileType=".png" CenterY="{dec}"
                CenterX="{ra_deg}" BottomsUp="{flip}" OffsetX="{dx}"
                OffsetY="{dy}" BaseTileLevel="0"

Query Parameters

The WWTWeb/TileImage.aspx endpoint processes the following URL query parameters:






Free text

Brief description of where the image came from.



URL to a webpage with more information about the image.



If set, response is delivered as text/plain with no HTTP headers.



Declination at which to center the view; nominally the image center.



The image to load.



Right ascension at which to center the view; nominally the image center.



Do not provide this parameter.



How much to rotate the image in an east-from-north sense, plus 180 degrees.



The angular size of each image pixel (assumed square).



URL to a 96×45 pixel thumbnail image for this image.



The horizontal offset between the image and view centers.



The vertical offset between the image and view centers.

Some details:


Defaults to the empty string.


Defaults to the value of the tag ReferenceURL inside the image AVM tags, if available, otherwise the empty string.


Do not use this parameter. It is only documented to point out that supplying it will change the behavior of the API call.


Defaults to the second value of the tag Spatial.ReferenceValue inside the image AVM tags, if available, otherwise 0. Clipped to lie between -90 and 90.


This is actually optional! If not provided, will default to http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/uploaded_files/images/0009/0848/sig12-011.jpg.


Defaults to the first value of the tag Spatial.ReferenceValue inside the image AVM tags, if available, otherwise 0. Clipped to lie between 0 and 360.


This is presumably supposed to flip the image vertically. However, in my experimentation, providing this keyword prevents the image from being displayed in either the Windows or the Web clients. So, don’t use it.


If specified as a parameter to the API call, the parameter in the resulting WTML file will be that parameter minus 180 degrees. If left unspecified, will be derived from AVM tags in the image in the following way. If the AVM contains a node Spatial.Rotation, the negation of that value will be used. Otherwise, if the XMPP RDF contains an attribute named avm:Spatial.Rotation, the negation of that value will be used. Otherwise, if the AVM contains Spatial.CDMatrix, the rotation will be derived from that matrix assuming that it can be decomposed into a rotation and separate X and Y scalings.


If specified as a parameter to the API call, the height of each image pixel in degrees should be given. Note that this uses different units than the ShowImage endpoint. Pixels are assumed to be square. If left unspecified, scale will be derived from the image AVM tags in the following way. If the AVM contains a node Spatial.Scale, the second value contained in that sequence will be used. Otherwise, if the AVM contains Spatial.CDMatrix, the scale will be derived from that matrix assuming that it can be decomposed into a rotation and separate X and Y scalings. The scale may be adjusted if the actual image height differs from that described in the image metadata.


If not specified, will default to a string of the form http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/wwtweb/tilethumb.aspx?name={ident}, which will return a thumbnail image derived from the tiled image.


Defaults to 0. Note that this parameter has different units and semantics than the ShowImage endpoint.


Defaults to 0. Note that this parameter has different units and semantics than the ShowImage endpoint.

The API intends to support a name parameter, but its implementation is broken such that it only is activated if debug is provided. The name used in the WTML output is the first text item in the dc:subject/rdf:Bag node of the image AVM, if available, otherwise the text Image File.

The ZoomLevel of the <Place> element is set to four times the height of the tiled image, which is the power of 2 as big or bigger than the image height. When navigating the <Place> specified in a WTML file, the ZoomLevel is six times the height of the client FOV in degrees, so the resulting FOV will lie somewhere between 2/3 and 4/3 of the height of the image of interest.

The {ident} corresponding to the tiled image is derived from the C# hash function of the image URL string. This function is not cryptographic and therefore hash collisions are a plausible outcome.

Textual items are not XML-escaped before being inserted into the XML document, so callers of this API should do the necessary escaping themselves.

URLs are not validated in any way by the API, but it is safest if all passed-in URLs are absolute.

Tiling Implementation

When invoked, the API will determine an identifier number from the image URL. (This is the {ident} mentioned above.) If no cached version of the image is available on the server, as identified by the unique identifier, the image will be downloaded. The server does not currently support HTTPS connections. Also, the hashing scheme used to compute the image identifier is not strong, and so hash collisions are a plausible outcome. If this happens, the tiled image data will correspond to the colliding image, not the one you intend.

Images should be parsable using C#’s System.Drawing.Bitmap class. Supported file formats should be BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. If the image cannot be loaded, an empty response with no error code will be returned.

Regardless of whether the image was downloaded fresh or not, the server will parse the image file for AVM information and create tiles using the System.Drawing.Bitmap resampling algorithms. Therefore, this API can take a minute or two to execute. If you intend to use the resulting WTML file repeatedly, it will be desirable to cache it elsewhere.

Cache expiration policies on the server are unspecified; assume that tiled images will be cached indefinitely. Therefore, if your image file changes at all, you should assign it a new URL when making this API call. Note, however, that the parameters returned in the WTML content are not cached, so if your underlying image file is not changing, you can tweak URL parameters without needing to alter your image’s URL.