GET /scene/:id

This API gets basic information about a specific WWT scene.

Request Structure

The request takes no content. The :id URL parameter gives the ID of the scene to query.

Response Structure

The structure of the response is:

  "error": $bool // Whether an error occurred
  "id": $string(objectID), // the ID of this scene
  "handle_id": $string(objectID), // the ID of this scenes's owner
  "handle": { // Information about the owning handle
    "handle": $string, // the unique handle name
    "display_name": $string, // the handle's display name
  "creation_date": $string(iso8601), // the date this scene was created
  "likes": $int, // the number of likes this scene has received
  "liked": $bool, // whether the logged-in user has "liked" this scene
  "impressions": $int, // the number of impressions this scene has received
  "clicks": $int?, // the number of user clicks on the outgoing URL
  "shares": $int?, // the number of times users have activated the share-link flow for this scene
  "place": { // WWT camera information associated with this scene
    // See "POST /handle/:handle/scene" docs for descriptions:
    "ra_rad": $number,
    "dec_rad": $number,
    "roll_rad": $number,
    "roi_height_deg": $number,
    "roi_aspect_ratio": $number,
  "content": { // The contents of this scene
    // Eventually, multiple content forms will likely be supported.
    // For now, the only one is the `image_layers` structure.
    "image_layers": [
      // List of "hydrated" image layer records:
        "image": {
          "id": $string, // the ID of this image
          "wwt": { ... },
          "permissions": { ... },
          "storage": { ... },
        "opacity": $number, // between 0 and 1
    "background": {
      // Another "hydrated" image record:
      "id": $string, // the ID of this image
      "wwt": { ... },
      "permissions": { ... },
      "storage": { ... },
  "text": $string, // The text associated with this scene
  "outgoing_url": $string(URL)?, // optional outgoing URL associated with this scene
  "astropix": {
    // Optional information about this scene's association with an AstroPix image
    "publisher_id": $string, // the AstroPix image's publisher_id
    "image_id": $string, // the AstroPix image's image_id

See POST /handle/:handle/image for definitions of the contents of the inner image fields.